The basement has been quite the project for us, or rather Tom, but he is pretty much finished. The last little thing left to do is to put the rest of the trim/ baseboards on. He has been working vigoruously at this most of the summer in between softball games, vacations, and spending time with family and friends. Once school started, it has been hard for him to get as much done and usually after dinner we don't see him anymore until it is time to go to bed.
Below are some pictures of the project as it progressed and in another post I will show you the finished project. I am so proud to have a husband who knows how to do these kinds of home improvement projects. I learned so much from him through finishing the basement, and it was a lot less expensive since he did virtually all of the work himself.
Basement walls are done. Now he is putting in the electrical outlets and getting ready to put the doors on. We have a door that leads to the unfinished laundry room and to a closet.
There are more updates to come later maybe just pictures.
the Ehrlichs
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