I can hardly believe that 7 months have gone by already. My how the time has flown. Jaycee is such a mellow and laid back kiddo, and we keep getting compliments on how she is such a good baby and so adaptable to other people and just to different environments. We haven't had to have too many people watch her, but she will pretty much go to anybody, at least for now. She has made parenthood pretty fun. Here are some things that we have been doing lately and what she has been up to.
She really looks like Tom here. I think that the blue eyes are going to stick around.
She just recently started sitting up on her own without any help. She has been liking playing with a basket of toys that I pick up all the time, but it is fun to see her get excited and moving around. We like baskets at our house. Everything has a basket (almost).
Here are some things that have been on my mind and that have been happening in our lives lately. First, let me start by saying that Tom and I absolutely love the babysitter Jaycee is going to. Her name is Stacy and she has a 3 year old son of her own, and also watches another little boy who about a little over a year old. I love that Jaycee has a couple of kids her own age to hang out with. It has made the whole cold and flu season not too big of a problem for us. Just some minor colds, but nothing to be too concerned with. Jaycee is really getting to be pretty tough as most of the friends she has are boys. That is good for her though.
Next, I want to say that I am really getting anxious for the summer. I have no idea what it will be like with a baby, but I am sure that we will have lots of fun. I know that I want to spend a lot of quality time with Tom and Jaycee and just enjoy not having much of a schedule. Although, Jaycee has pretty much set her own schedule and we just kind of adapt to it. It has been fun to just go out and do something once in a while and she pretty much is OK with the change every now and then.
I am also really looking forward to seeing Tom play more softball. Ever since we have been together, he has been playing softball. It is kind of one of those things that makes us remember the old days when we were much younger. He has been telling me at the last couple of practices that his reflexes are not as quick as they used to be. He is so hard on himself when it comes to stuff like that b/c he wants to do well. I think it is just good for him to have fun and get out each week.
As far as I am concerned, I don't have really any plans for the summer. I am still in my Bible study with a group of friends that we do every summer. We will be doing a Beth Moore study on Esther. This is different than all the other studies we have done, but I watched the introduction and think that I will learn a lot from it. I also hope to make our annual "pick a state to visit trip", but not sure how that will go with a little one with us. She does sleep in the car most of the time, so that should make things pretty OK there. If you have any suggestions for me as to where to go, I am totally up for those. We have mainly just tried to stick to the states closest to Kansas, but I think that since we will going on our ninth trip, we might want to venture out a bit more. We will see. Suggestions would be great!!!
Right now, I am trying to get my room ready and packed up for another change and move. Most of you know that for the past 9 years I have been teaching in one form or another, and for the last 5 years, I have been teaching in Newton. I have spent these last 5 years teaching 4th , 3rd, and 1st grades. I must say that 3rd grade has been my favorite. They really seem to understand my humor and little jokes, that the first graders that I have now really don't. This year my kids just look at me and I quickly move on. I have really had a challenge this year with learning tricks to teach those little kiddos. My class has been pretty challenging too. They are sweet kids, but really need lots of constant attention.
Anyway, I prayed for a long time that God would show me a different direction, b/c I knew that after having Jaycee I really needed to do something that I would feel fulfilled doing. After praying for a couple of days, God decided that he would smack me in the face with the answer. The opportunity for me to teach half time was no longer going to be an option for me for next year, so I thought that door was shutting and either another would open, or it wouldn't and I would decide what to do from there. All of a sudden, another opportunity to teach half time just kind of fell in my lap. I really wasn't looking or asking around about options, but then another teacher came to me. I was absolutely flattered and overwhelmed too. I had already thought that I would maybe stay home and be a mom for a while. So we started talking and just waited to see what would come about with this new opportunity. Just last week, it was confirmed that I will be able to teach with the new teacher at a different school still in Newton. I am also excited b/c I will get to go back to 3rd grade. I just love those kids. A part of me is excited for this new opportunity, but also a little scared too. I don't know too many teachers at the new school, and I feel like I have to make new work friends all over again. I keep asking Tom if I will fit in there. So part of my summer will be to get together with my new teacher and figure out how to split up the subjects for next year. Then I will have the task of sorting through all of my stuff and seeing what I will need to bring with me and what I will need to keep in our basement. Our basement has quickly become my craft & school storage room. If and when we ever decide to finish it, I don't know what we will do with all my stuff then, but we will cross that bridge when it comes.
So needless to say, our lives have been busy, busy, busy, and we are really soaking up every minute of it. As the school year winds down, I really have seen God so much at work in our lives. I can't even begin to say how much we have been blessed this year by what God has shown and told us. We will continue to listen and see what his plans are and seek out daily his will for us all. I can honestly say that He has made me really stop and see what really matters in life. I have learned so much about just enjoying things and not sweating the small stuff. It has made such a difference with how peaceful my life has become.
I'll miss you, but so excited that this worked out for you! They will be thrilled to have you at SB. So many young mothers there. I know you'll fit in great!
Thanks Amy. I hope so.
I just came across your blog! Tarrah and I talked some while the "wait and see game" was going on! We are so excited that you are able to come over to SB! Have a fun summer with Jaycee! She's a sweetie!
I'm really excited for you to get to teach again next year. Mostly...it's cool to see how God anwswers our prayers and opens doors when we see other doors close. Jaycee is an absolute doll! Love those eyes!
Our women's group just finished the Esther book! Enjoy summer!
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