Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Break!!!

I have only been to work for 2 weeks, but I am so enjoying having a break!!! Being back at work has left me feeling like I am playing the catch up game there. I do think that I am in ok shape for January though I would like to be a little more prepared, but that is how life goes sometimes. I have learned that I can't get everything done and prioritizing and making lists has been my life lately.

I have been quite behind on things at home. The dished are piling up, the laundry baskets are full, and my Christmas presents are under the tree still in the bags that I bought them in. Oh boy!!! I have much to do!!! I do love that I have been able to stay at home and watch Jaycee grow and learn new things. She is doing so much in the short time she has been with us.

I am really looking forward to seeing how she likes her first Christmas. She is absolutely mesmerized by all of the lights on our tree and whenever we go out somewhere. She also has loved listening to the Christmas music that I often play in the afternoons when I am playing with her. Tom and I also sing to her too. As a matter of fact, one night when she was a little fussy we sang "The Hallelujah Chorus" (quite badly I might add) to her and she fell right asleep. I was amazed by that.

We continue to grow and learn as a family how to help each other. Jaycee does take up a lot of time that we were used to having with each other, but she is a lot of fun though. We are really liking having a baby in the house and seeing what new adventures we will encounter each and every day. We have truly been blessed.

So while I have this break, I am going to finish wrapping my presents, get my house cleaned, organize the clutter, see some friends from out of state/town, and do LOTS of laundry and enjoy spending time with my little girl and husband (and Mollie too).

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