Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sprinkler Park

It seems like at least once a week this summer so far, we have visited a sprinkler park of some sort.  We could just set one up in our yard, but then our feet get all covered in grass, and it just a little messy around the house.  I have found a great sprinkler park by WSU that I have loved going to so far this summer.  We have gone at least once every week so far this summer.  I like it b/c Jaycee loves the water, and it is a way for me to get out in the sun and still have fun with her too.  She loves it b/c she can run away from the water if it gets too crazy for her.

The last 2 weeks, we have tried to get to the park when they turn on the water (around 10:00 for those who are thinking about going sometime).  I like it b/c it is not the hottest part of the afternoon, and there are not a lot of other kids around.  This park that we have gone to is kind of tucked away in a neighborhood by WSU.  If you know the main entrance of WSU, then you just go the other way and you will most likely see it (let me know if you want more directions).  I have also tried to cross another thing off of my summer list which is to do a random act of kindness.  I am not the greatest at this, but I want to teach Jaycee the value of being kind to people whenever possible.  One of the things that I decided to do at the park before we enjoyed the water was to pick up trash in the grass as we were walking from the car up to the water.  This kind of thing doesn't just come to me naturally.  God must have definitely laid it on my heart that day or something.  Going out of my comfort zone is pretty scary for me, but it is also really good for me too.  Picking up trash may not seem like anything too drastic, but when there are lots of other people around wondering what you're doing, it can make you feel like you're really being watched.  I just want to do my good deed and not have anyone know about it.  So I am telling you instead. 

Anyway here are lots of pictures of Jaycee enjoying her time at the sprinklers.  My hope is to visit some of the other sprinkler parks in Wichita.  I just like this one b/c it is still pretty close to us, and there aren't a lot of people there very often.

   I love these sunglasses.
Gotta love the dollar bins at Target!!!

I'm sure we have many more days like these in store for the rest of the summer. 


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