I can't hardly believe it!!!!! We have made it to 30 weeks. In a way the time really has gone by so super fast. This baby "girl" is moving all the time and gives me such great reassurances that she is still doing ok.
This week however, has left me with a lot to think about and relive many sad moments in my life. Many of you already know, but when I was pregnant with Caden, 30 weeks was when I was diagnosed with preeclampsia. That is where your blood pressure goes up very high and there are risks to the mother of having seizures or even worse, but also it can cause health risks to the baby too. For me, at this point in my pregnancy with Caden, there were no risks to him, but they were so very worried about me and my health and that I might slip into a seizure or worse. At the time I really didn't know what was happening, I just did what I was told. This was also the week that my doctor put me on bed rest. Bed rest was the best way to get my blood pressure back down to normal.
As I am entering into my 30th week of this pregnancy, I am feeling ok, but a little scared too. Yesterday was the start of my 30th week, and I asked Tom if I should go to WalMart or somewhere to get my blood pressure checked just to be sure that we are all doing ok and that it was normal. When I say those kinds of things, it makes me feel like a crazy person, but then again, the reassurances of that are so powerful too. I didn't end up going to get my blood pressure checked due to having a lot of last minute projects and just rest to catch up on before school really starts.
School starting makes me a little nervous, because there is a certain amount of stress that goes along with starting a new school year and wanting everything to be done just right. Somehow though, God has been preparing me for this. I don't feel quite like I used to about starting a new school year. Maybe it is b/c my whole life perspective has changed, or b/c I know that things always have a way of working out whether I am perfect or not. So I don't have to be perfect b/c just resting in God's love and will for me will allow me to be exactly where he wants me to be at that time. Such peace in that!!!!
So I leave you with this. Please pray for us these next few weeks. They were the most challenging for me last time I was pregnant, and I am really just wanting to get through them ok and continue to have a healthy baby growing each new day. I don't know what these weeks may bring, but I know that God is in control and that He will continue to take care of me NO MATTER WHAT!!!! We do have another sonogram and Dr. appt this week on Wednesday. I ask that you can pray that God will help us to keep resting in Him and his direction and comfort to guide us through these next several weeks. Hopefully soon, He will bless us with a beautiful baby "girl"!!!
Baby girl Ehrlich I look forward to meeting you soon!!!
I just read this today - Wednesday. I'll be praying that all will go well today at your sonogram! :)
Christina Sumler
Prayiing for you all! It will be good to see you at school for a few weeks! I don't think it is not at ALL crazy to want to check your blood pressure, etc. See you soon!
Thinking of you today. Praying you feel happy, blissful, and pure peace.
Hey Mira! I've been trying to get a card in the mail all week and in between birthdays and babysitting, it hasn't happened yet. But please know I'm thinking about you guys and praying for ya! Call me if you ever need/want to chat,
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