Sunday, November 11, 2012

Kind Surprise

Every Sunday night, I go to work.  That is I work in the nursery at my church.  It is a ministry, in that it helps parents to attend classes, small groups, and Bible studies without having to worry about where there kids will go.  It is work, but I have really started to get to know the kids and the other adults I work with too.

Tonight, I decided to pick up a cappucino for Tom and me and snuggle up under a blanket when I got home.  To my surprise I saw that there was only one light on, and a balloon sitting in the middle of my living room.  I went into the kitchen and found a small blue candle and a card.  Since most of you know our story, and that Caden's anniversary was last weekend, the card was saying that someone made a donation to Agape Care Cradle the non-profit organization that did Caden's memorial in Caden's name.  It melted my heart and made me feel so good that someone remembered.  That meant so much to me.  The only problem was that the card wasn't signed and I have no idea who it was that dropped that off.  I would really like to thank them and let them know how much they made my evening and day.  It was such a cold day that I just napped rested most of the day, that I really wanted to thank the kind person who stopped by.  If you know or are that person, please let us know.  We really want to thank you in person, or at least talk to you.

Thanks so much kind person for the kind surprise and remembrance of Caden.  I know that he is loved by so many and it warms my heart and takes the sting of this time of year away just a bit.

the Ehrlichs

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