Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Been A While

It has been a while since I last blogged.  I haven't really had much to blog about.  Our lives are pretty boring sometimes.  But I have been working on something very exciting.  In 4 days, Jaycee will be turning 1!!!!  I can hardly believe it.  The time has absolutely flown by.  I can't even believe that a year ago, I was still pregnant with her and really anticipating her arrival.  She has blessed our lives tremendously. 

I have been working on her birthday party that is this Sunday.  I never really knew what it took to plan a kids birthday.  I am trying to make things as simple as possible, but still have a sense of fun and hopefully Jaycee's personality.  We decided to go with a monkey girl theme.  Since our little monkey likes to climb and crawl and walk all over the place and is into everything if we let her, I thought that was pretty fitting for her.  I have been to a couple of friends' kids' birthday parties, and got some great ideas from them.  Thanks guys!!!

So I decided that I am going to make her birthday cake into the shape on a monkey face and make the party invitations.  We ordered some lime green and pink balloons and table settings, and our housing addition has a small park that we reserved for the occasion.  Right now everything is just sitting on a table in our front room and is waiting for us to put it out where it is supposed to be.  This has been a lot of fun for me and is really giving me a chance to use the creative side of my brain.  It also gives me a project to do.  You know how much I love my projects.  I only wish that I could finish the ones that I start.  Oh well, I know this definitely has an ending date. 

Hopefully in my next post, you will see how much fun we had. 

Here is some of the stuff that is ready for us to put it together. 
 I'm so glad that we have most of the weekend for this.

Here is the little monkey girl that I am going to try to turn into a cake.

Jaycee has discovered that she can "cheese it up" when the camera is out.
This is new since last week. What a ham. 
Watch out world, I think we have a comedian on our hands!!!

This was tonight after dinner.  She rubbed it all over her face and I knew it was a photo worthy moment.


1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh my goodness, Mira! I LOVE this picture of Jaycee!!