OK. So it has been a long, long time since I have posted on our blog. In the past year, so much happened, that I couldn't even get my thoughts together to write them down. Then again, there seemed to have been so very many things that were a constant that I felt like not much new was even happening. Well, we're back!!!!
Hopefully I can fill you all in on all that is and will be happening to us. We still are dealing with so much uncertainty in our lives, but it is funny, because somehow I feel at peace with that. I told a friend today that I am OK with God's plan for us right now. That doesn't make things any easier, but it does give me a reason to hope and just a sense of peace. Some of you know what I am talking about. Peace, it seems like so many of us are trying to live with peace in our lives right now, whether that is with our jobs, kids, not having kids, health, or relationships. I think that peace can and will only come from God. Boy is that ever true. I don't think that I could have ever gotten through the last year without HIM. More on that to come later.
Just keep checking in with our blog. We will be posting new things hopefully more often, and I will share so very many thoughts and lessons that I have learned from God and others this past year. But mostly, I want whoever reads this to know that we are ok. Life hasn't turned out as we planned, but I am sooooooooo glad that God has my life under his control, and I am doing my part to prepare for what HE has in store for us this next year.
Until next time,
Tom & Mira
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