Wednesday, February 3, 2010

4 Months

Can you believe that she has been with us for 4 months now!!!!

My how the time flies. Just this afternoon we went to her 4 month well baby check-up. She was not liking that at all. Sometimes it is hard for me to take her, b/c I keep thinking that there is going to be something wrong. But when I look into her face and see how happy she is, I know that I just need to continue surrendering my fears and putting my faith in God and that he will give us the courage and wisdom on how to take care of her.

We have been so blessed to have her in our lives these past 4 months. I feel like I have gotten to know a lot of her quirks and her personality too. She daily is teaching me how to be more loving and caring to others and to take time to let people know what they mean to me.

So I will have to say that one of the funnest things about having a girl is that there are so many cute clothes out there for girls. Who would have thought!!! I absolutely LOVE all of the little clothes that are out there. One of my new favorite stores is Kid 2 Kid. It is a consignment store in Wichita that sells barely used clothes for very affordable prices. They are brand name clothes like Old Navy, Gap, etc. That I would probably never buy for my kid, except that everything this weekend at Kid 2 Kid was only a couple of bucks. It has become one of my new favorite places to go. I also never would have thought that I would love shopping so much. The past couple of years I have been a "Make a list and get what you need" kind of shopper. Jaycee makes shopping a little more fun. I don't know what she will like when she is older, but I can put her in things that I like right now and she is so adorable in them. Someday, I'm sure that she will tell me what she REALLY likes, but until then, I will keep having fun!!!

This past weekend I spent some time taking a few pictures of what our 4 months old is doing. Here she is after church this weekend sitting in her chair, then in the kitchen w/ her fave hoodie, & last making faces at me yesterday. I figure I gotta catch those moments when I can.


1 comment:

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Mira, she is such a little doll!! Look at that smile!